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Electric bicycle laws are different in every state, and can be confusing for riders, retailers, and suppliers. PeopleForBikes is making riding an electric bicycle easy and accessible for all by working to create clear rules on how and where people can ride electric bicycles. With more coherent laws: Local bicycle shops and manufacturers see increased business and their customers will no longer be confused, people who already ride electric bicycles more easily understand where to ride, and new riders who may be discouraged from riding a traditional bicycle due to limited physical fitness, age, disability or convenience have improved transportation alternatives.
Find your state's electric bike rules in our list of one-page PDF guides.
Uncover the laws that govern electric bike usage
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Discover which places electric bikes can be used
Explore the evolving electric bike rulemaking landscape
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Explore how you can make your bike shop better with electric bikes
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Build the next generation of trails for everyone to enjoy